皇冠体育» 通知公告

【化学皇冠体育 】“21世纪学科前沿”Masayoshi Nishiura教授学术报告通知

报告题目:Rare Earth Catalyzed C-H Activation of Anisoles and Pyridines for Efficient Organic Synthesis and Polymer Functionalization
报告人:Masayoshi Nishiura
主讲人信息:Masayoshi Nishiura教授在千叶大学Tsuneo Imamoto教授的指导下获得硕士学位,2000年在此学校获得博士学位。同年被聘为日本理化所特别研究员。2009年升为日本理化所高级研究员。他的研究主要针对用于有机合成的有机金属催化剂和烯烃聚合。2009年荣获日本理化所研究奖,2011年获得日本有机合成化学进步奖,2013年获得日本稀土学会青年科学家奖。
报告摘要: Pyridine and anisole moieties are among the most important structural motifs and exist widely in a large number of natural products, pharmaceuticals, ligands, and functional materials. Therefore, the development of efficient, atom-economical processes for the synthesis of pyridine and anisole-containing compounds through direct C-H functionalization has received intensive attention.
By the use of cationic half-sandwich rare-earth catalysts, an efficient and general protocol for the alkylation of various pyridine and anisole derivatives via C-H addition to olefins has been developed which provides an atom-economical method for the synthesis of alkylated pyridine and anisole derivatives. Furthermore, these rare earth alkyl complexes serve as catalysts for the polymerization of styrene via ortho-C-H alkylation of pyridines and anisoles as a chain transfer reaction, leading to the efficient synthesis of syndiotactic polystyrene bearing pyridyl and anisyl groups at chain-end.
