皇冠体育» 师资队伍» 教师名录» 有机化学和高分子化学研究所


本人长期致力于有机硼发光材料和智能传感材料的研究工作,尤其在共轭大环化合物的可控合成与光电性能调控等领域积累了大量经验。同时,在圆偏振发光材料、手性自由基化学领域研究特色鲜明。迄今,50余篇SCI论文已被JACS、Angewandte Chemie、Chemical Science等顶级刊物收录发表。承担国家级青年人才项目、北京理工大学人才启动计划及2项国家自然科学基金面上项目。

1. 热忱欢迎具备有机化学、高分子化学及材料科学研究背景的青年学子报考博士、硕士生;

2. 欢迎相关专业的博士前来进行博士后研究:“博新”、“特立”、“团队岗”

3. 欢迎特别研究员、特别副研究员加盟团队

4. 欢迎本科生进入课题组进行毕业设计、创新创业等学术活动





1. 共轭有机硼大环化合物
2. 圆偏振发光材料和手性自由基
3. 动态路易斯酸碱对


2007-2012 美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),博士


2016-至今 北京理工大学,教授
2014-2016 美国麻省理工皇冠体育 (MIT),博士后
2012-2013 美国芝加哥大学(U Chicago),博士后


1、Y. F. Shi, Y. Zeng, P. Kucheryavy, X. Yin, K. Zhang, G.Y. Meng, J.F. Chen, Q. Zhu, N. Wang, X.Y. Zheng*, F. Jäkle*, P. Chen*. Dynamic B/N Lewis Pairs: Insights into the Structural Variations and Photochromism via Light-Induced Fluorescence to Phosphorescence Switching. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202213615.
2、Y.W. Jia, P.F. Li, K.L. Liu*, C.L. Li, M.Y. Liu, J.Q. Di, N. Wang, X.D. Yin, N. Zhang*, P. Chen*. Expanding New Chemistry of Aza-Boracyclophanes with Unique Dipolar Structures, AIE and Redox-Active Open-Shell Characteristics. Chem. Sci. 2022, 13, 11672-11679.
3、G. Q. Tian, J. F. Chen, K. Zhang, Y. F. Shi, C.L. Li, X. D. Yin, K.L. Liu*, P. Chen*. Applying the B-N Lewis Pair Approach to Access Fusion-Expanded Binaphthyl-Based Chiral Analogues. Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 15315-15319.
4、P. F. Li, D. Shimoyama, N. Zhang*, Y. W. Jia, G. F. Hu, C. L. Li, X. D. Yin, N. Wang, F. Jäkle*, P. Chen*. A New Platform of B/N-Doped Cyclophanes: Access to pi-Conjugated Block-Type B3N3 Macrocycle with Strong Dipole Moment and Unique Optoelectronic Properties. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202200612. (Hot Paper)
5、Y. F. Shi, C. L. Li, H. W. Ma, Z. Cao, K. Liu, X.D. Yin, N. Wang, P. Chen*. Two-in-One Approach toward White-Light Emissions of Dimeric B/N Lewis Pairs by Tuning the Ortho-Substitution Effect. Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 5497-5502.
6、J. F. Chen, G. Q. Tian, K. L. Liu, N. Zhang, N. Wang, X. D. Yin, P. Chen*. Pillar[5]arene-Based Neutral Radicals with Doublet Red Emissions and Stable Chiroptical Properties. Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 1935-1940. (Front Cover)
7、F. Zhao, J. Y. Zhao, Y. Wang, H. T. Liu, Q. H. Shang, N. Wang, X. D. Yin, X. Y. Zheng*, P. Chen*. [5]Helicene-Based Chiral Triarylboranes with Large Luminescence Dissymmetry Factor Over 10-2 Level: Synthesis and Design Strategy via Isomeric Tuning of Steric Substitutions. Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51, 6226-6234.
8、P. F. Li, Y. W. Jia, S. H. Zhang, J. Q. Di, N. Zhang*, P. Chen*. Oligotriarylamine-Extended Organoboranes with Tunable Electron-Donating Strength by Changing the Number of Donor Units. Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 3951-3958.
9、K. Zhang, J. Zhao, N. Zhang, J. F. Chen, N. Wang, X. Yin, X. Y. Zheng*, P. Chen*. Molecular Design to Enhance Binaphthyl-Based Chiroptics Using Organoboron Chemistry in Isomeric Chiral Scaffolds. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 1816-1824.
10、S. H. Zhang, J. F. Chen, G. Hu, N. Zhang, N. Wang, X. Yin, P. Chen*. Synthesis, Characterization, and Photophysical Properties of Triptycene-Based Chiral Organoboranes. Organometallics, 2022, 41, 99-104. (Front Cover)
11、K. Zhang; G. Q. Ji; N. Zhang*; N. Wang; X. Yin; Q. S. Li; P. Chen*. Responsive Organoboranes with Dynamic Conformation of Octacyclophane-type Scaffolds: Synthesis, AIE and Temperature-Dependent Dual Emissions. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 13851-13859.
12、C. L. Li, Y. Shi, P. Li, N. Zhang, N. Wang, X. Yin, P. Chen*. Access to Highly Luminescent N‑Doped Diazaborepins with Penta‑, Hexa‑, and Heptagon Substructures. Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 7123-7128.
13、J. F. Chen, X. Yin, K. Zhang, Z. Zhao, S. H. Zhang, N. Zhang, N. Wang, P. Chen*. Pillar[5]arene-Based Dual Chiral Organoboranes with Allowed Host− Guest Chemistry and Circularly Polarized Luminescence. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 12654-12663.
14、J. F. Chen, X. D. Yin, B. W. Wang, K. Zhang, G. Y. Meng, S. H. Zhang, Y. F. Shi, N. Wang, S. Wang, P. Chen*. Planar Chiral Organoboranes with Thermoresponsive Emission and Circularly Polarized Luminescence: Integration of Pillar[5]arenes with Boron Chemistry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 11267-11272.
15、G. Ji, N. Wang, X. Yin, P. Chen*. Substituent Effect Induces Emission Modulation of Stilbene Photoswitches by Spatial Tuning of the N/B Electronic Constraints. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 5758-5762.
16、P. Lei, S. H. Zhang, N. Zhang, X. Yin, N. Wang, P. Chen*. Triptycene-Based Luminescent Materials in Homoconjugated Charge-Transfer Systems: Synthesis, Electronic Structures, AIE Activity, and Highly Tunable Emissions. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 28606-28614.
17、J. F. Chen, G. Y. Meng, Q. Zhu, S. H. Zhang, P. Chen*. Pillar[5]arenes: a New Class of AIEgen Macrocycles Used for Luminescence Sensing of Fe3+ Ion. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2019, 7, 11747-11751.
18、J. F. Chen, P. Chen*. Pillar[5]arene-Based Resilient Supramolecular Gel with Dual-Stimuli Responses and Self-Healing Properties. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2019, 1, 2224-2229.
19、Q. Zhu, S. Wang and P. Chen*. Diazocine Derivatives: A Family of Azobenzenes for Photochromism with Highly Enhanced Turn-On Fluorescence. Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 4025-4029.
20、C.J. Sun, N. Wang, T. Peng, X. Yin, S. Wang, and P. Chen⁎. BN Functionalized Benzotri-thiophene-Based Azaborines: Synthesis, Structures and Anion Binding Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 3591-3595.
21、Y. Shi, S. K. Mellerup, K. Yuan, G. Hu, F. Sauriol, T. Peng, N. Wang*, P. Chen*, S. Wang*. Stabilising fleeting intermediates of stilbene photocyclization with amino-borane functionalization: the rare isolation of persistent dihydrophenanthrenes and their [1,5]H-shift isomers. Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 3844-3855.
22、Q.G. Hou, L.J. Liu, S.K. Mellerup, N. Wang, T. Peng, P. Chen⁎, and S. Wang⁎. Stimuli-responsive B/N Lewis Pairs Based on the Modulation of B-N Bond Strength. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 6467-6470.
23、Pangkuan Chen, Qiaochu Li, Scott Grindy, and Niels Holten-Andersen*. White-Light-Emitting Lanthanide Metallogels with Tunable Luminescence and Reversible Stimuli-Responsive Properties. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 11590-11593.
24、Pangkuan Chen, Xiaodong Yin, Nurcan Baser-Kirazli and Frieder Jäkle*. Versatile Design Principles for Facile Access to Unstrained Conjugated Organoborane Macrocycles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 10768-10772.
25、Pangkuan Chen, Roger A. Lalancette, and Frieder Jäkle*. π–Expanded Borazines: An Ambipolar Conjugated B–π–N Macrocyle. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 7994-7998.
26、Pangkuan Chen, and Frieder Jäkle*. Highly Luminescent Electron-Deficient Bora-cyclophanes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 20142-20145.
27、Pangkuan Chen, Roger A. Lalancette, and Frieder Jäkle*. Applying the Oligomer Approach to Luminescent Conjugated Organoboranes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8802-8805.