皇冠体育» 师资队伍» 教师名录» 纳米化学研究所





2010.09-2015.07 北京大学,化学专业,理学博士
2005.09-2010.07 北京大学,化学专业,理学学士


2015.09-至今 皇冠体育测评-2025体育博彩市场趋势及平台推荐 ,讲师


1. 利用锰基MOF材料为前驱体制备了MOF与石墨烯的复合物,通过热解得到高度分散于氮掺杂石墨烯的MnO纳米颗粒(MnO@NC-G)。这种复合物在Li-CO2电池的气体电极中,起到了高效的催化作用,在大幅度降低了电池的过电势的同时,改善了电池的循环和倍率性能。
2. 利用MOF自身单分散的金属位点,将其运用到Li-CO2电池气体电极中,作为促进放电产物Li2CO3分解的催化剂。通过系统研究金属类型、孔道大小等因素对电池性能的影响,发现二价锰能作为催化活性中心,能有效降低电池充电的过电势,MOF的高比表面积则有利于提高电池的最大放电容量。
3. 利用热压法在导电碳布上制备MOF膜,通过高温热解得到一层高度分散于氮掺杂多孔碳中的钴纳米颗粒。修饰的碳布作为Li-S电池中的阻挡层,不仅显著提高了活性物质的利用率,还缓解了硫的穿梭效应,同时改善了电池的可逆容量和倍率性能。
1. S. Li, Y. Liu, J. Zhou,* S. Hong, Y. Dong, J. Wang, X. Gao, P. Qi, Y. Han, and B. Wang* Monodispersed MnO nanoparticles in graphene-an interconnected N-doped 3D carbon framework as a highly efficient gas cathode in Li–CO2 batteries, Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 1046-1054.
2. X. Gao, Y. Du, J. Zhou,* S. Li, P. Qi, Y. Han, X. Feng, X. Jin, B. Wang*, Large-Scale Production of MOF-Derived Coatings for Functional Interlayers in High-Performance Li−S Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 12, 6986-6991.
3. S. Li, Y. Dong, J. Zhou,* Y. Liu, J. Wang, X. Gao, Y. Han, P. Qi, and B. Wang* Carbon Dioxide in the Cage: Manganese Metal-Organic Frameworks for High Performance CO2 Electrodes in Li-CO2 Batteries, Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 1318-1325.
4. J. Zhou, and B. Wang*. Emerging crystalline porous materials as a multifunctional platform for electrochemical energy storage. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2017, 46, 6927-6945.
5. Y. Han, D. Yu, J. Zhou,* P. Xu, P. Qi, Q. Wang, S. Li, X. Fu, X. Gao, C. Jiang, X. Feng, and B. Wang*. A Lithium Ion Highway by Surface Coordination Polymerization: In Situ Growth of Metal–Organic Framework Thin Layers on Metal Oxides for Exceptional Rate and Cycling Performance. Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23: 11513-11518.
6. J. Zhao, Y. Wang, J. Zhou,* P. Qi, S. Li, K. Zhang, X. Feng, B. Wang* and C. Hu* A copper(II)-based MOF film for highly efficient
visible-light-driven hydrogen production, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 7174-7177.
7. S. Li, X. Fu, J. Zhou,* Y. Han, P. Qi, X. Gao, X. Feng and B. Wang,* An effective approach to improve the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 cathode by MOF-derived coating, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 5823-5827.
8. X. Fu, D. Yu, J. Zhou,* S. Li, X. Gao, Y. Han, P. Qi, X. Feng and B. Wang* Inorganic and organic hybrid solid electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, CrystEngComm, 2016,18, 4236-4258.
9. J. Zhou, X. Yu, X. Fan, X. Wang, H. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Li, J. Zheng, B. Wang* and X. Li*, The impact of the particle size of a metal-organic framework for sulfur storage in Li-S batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 8272.
10. J. Zhou, R. Li, X. Fan, Y. Chen, R. Han, W. Li, J. Zheng, B. Wang* and X. Li*, Rational design of a metal-organic framework host for sulfur storage in fast, long-cycle Li-S batteries, Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 2715.