赵之平,教授,博士生导师,皇冠体育测评-2025体育博彩市场趋势及平台推荐 化学工程研究所所长,化学工程与技术和化学工程与工艺学科专业责任教授。长期从事新型功能膜材料设计与制备、生物质转化与分离过程、新型膜反应器设计与开发、分子模拟计算等研究工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、科技部重点研发计划课题和省部级项目等,在Science,AIChE J,J. Membr. Sci.等顶级期刊发表SCI收录论文100余篇,授权发明专利10余项。兼任北京膜学会监事长、《Advanced Membranes》和《膜科学与技术》编委等。带领团队获得2021年全国石油和化工教育优秀教学团队(排名第一),2022年中国石油和化工教育教学优秀成果二等奖(排名第一)。
(1)膜材料设计理论与制备技术、成膜机理与膜结构调控、膜过程分子动力学模拟与传递机理 (2)生物质化学和生物转化为平台化合物的关键问题 (3)催化膜与膜反应器 (4)膜法液、气(汽)分离 (5)新型分离材料(CO2 捕集、VOCs 吸附、H2 分离等)
1999.09-2002.08 天津大学,化学工程专业,工学博士 1992.09-1995.07 四川大学,化学工程专业,工学硕士 1982.09-1986.07 昆明理工大学,化学工程专业,工学学士
2016.07-至今 皇冠体育测评-2025体育博彩市场趋势及平台推荐 ,教授/系主任/所长 2005.08-2016.06 北京理工大学化工与环境皇冠体育 ,教授/系支部书记/系主任 2002.09-2005.07 清华大学化工系,博士后 1995.08-1999.08 昆明理工大学化工与轻工皇冠体育 ,讲师、副教授/教研室主任 1987.08-1992.08 昆明理工大学化工系,助教、讲师 1986.08-1987.07 云南省省级机关讲师团曲靖分团支教
在Science,AIChE J,J. Membr. Sci.,Chem. Eng. J.等顶级期刊发表SCI收录论文100余篇,授权发明专利10余项。 部分代表性成果 1.Li-Hao Xu#, Shen-Hui Li#, Heng Mao, Yan Li, Ao-Shuai Zhang, Sen Wang, Wei-Min Liu, Jing Lv, Tao Wang, Wei-Wei Cai, Le Sang, Wen-Wen Xie, Chan Pei, Zheng-Zheng Li, Ying-Nan Feng*, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Highly flexible and superhydrophobic MOF nanosheet membrane for ultrafast alcohol-water separation. Science. 2022, 378: 308-313. 2.Wei-Min Liu, Heng Mao*, Yu-Jie Wang, Shen-Hui Li, Ying-Nan Feng, Li-Hao Xu, Sen Wang, Chan Pei, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Fabrication of highly permeable PDMS@ZIF-8/PVDF hollow fiber composite membrane in module for ethanol-water separation. AIChE Journal. 2023, e18120. 3.Muhammad Ahmad, Maryam Yousaf, Weiwei Cai*, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Formulation of heterometallic ZIF-8@Cu/Ni/ZnO@CNTs heterostructure photocatalyst for Ultra-Deep desulphurization of coal and fuels. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 453, 139846. 4.Heng-Xing Lu, Wei-Yao Yang, Ying-Xian Shi, Hong-Bin Wang, Heng Mao, Le Sang*, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Fast and continuous conversion of xylose to furfural in micropacked bed reactors. Chemical Engineering Science. 2023, 266, 118256. 5.Chan Pei, Heng Mao*, Yu-Jie Wang, Wei-Min Liu, Zheng-Zheng Li, Wen-Wen Xie, Yan Li, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Boosting pervaporation performance of ZIF-L/PDMS mixed matrix membranes by surface plasma etching for ethanol/water separation. Separation and Purification Technology. 2023, 318, 124025. 6.Muhammad Ahmad, Maryam Yousaf, Sen Wang, Weiwei Cai*, Le Sang, Zhengzheng Li, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Development of rapid CO2 utilizing microbial ecosystem onto the novel & porous FPUF@nZVI@TAC@ASP hybrid for green coal desulphurization. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 433, 134361. 7.Ying-Xian Shi, Shen-Hui Li, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Molecular simulations of the effects of substitutions on the dissolution properties of amorphous cellulose acetate. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2022, 291, 119610. 8.Li-Hao Xu, Yan Li, Shen-Hui Li, Ming-Yu Lv, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Space-confined growth of 2D MOF sheets between GO layers at room temperature for superior PDMS membrane-based ester/water separation. Journal of Membrane Science. 2022, 656, 120605. 9.Heng Mao, Han Jiang, Le Sang, Shuo Li, Fu-Xue Chen, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. An integrated ionic liquid hybrid polymeric fixed-bed reactor with a porous sponge-like structure for biomass hydrolysis. Chemical Engineering Science. 2022, 253, 117562. 10.Yu-Jie Wang, Yiqun Liu, Xin Wei, Li-Ming Ding, Ying-Nan Feng*, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Polypropylene hollow fiber membrane prepared with green binary diluents via TIPS: Effects of spinning process parameters and VMD desalination performance. Desalination. 2022, 541, 116026. 11.Heng Mao, Shen-Hui Li, Li-Hao Xu, Sen Wang, Wei-Min Liu, Ming-Yu Lv, Jing Lv, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks in mixed matrix membranes for boosting phenol/water separation: Crystal evolution and preferential orientation. Journal of Membrane Science. 2021, 638, 119611. 12.Li-Hao Xu, Shen-Hui Li, Heng Mao, Ao-Shuai Zhang, Wei-Wei Cai, Tao Wang, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Advanced necklace-like metal organic framework with ultrahighly continuous structure in membrane for superior butanol/water separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2021, 9:11853-11862. 13.Ihtisham Ul Haq, Tao Wang, Ao-Shuai Zhang, Heng Mao, Rehan Khan, Li-Hao Xu, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Fabrication of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks based mixed matrix membranes and mass transfer properties of C4H6 and N2 in membrane separation. AIChE Journal. 2021, 67, e17114. 14.Ali Ahmad, Shen-Hui Li, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Insight of organic molecule dissolution and diffusion in cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane using molecular simulation. Journal of Membrane Science. 2021, 620, 118863. 15.Han Jiang, Tao Wang*, Shuo Li, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Fabrication of porous polymer membrane from polysulfone grafted with acid ionic liquid and the catalytic property for inulin hydrolysis. Journal of Membrane Science. 2021, 618, 118742. 16.Ao-Shuai Zhang, Shen-Hui Li, Heng Mao, Li-Hao Xu, Ming-Yu Lv, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Significantly improved pervaporation performance by relatively continuous and defect-free distribution of IL-modified ZIF-8 in PDMS membrane. Advanced Membranes. 2021, 1, 100006. 17.Jun Zhang, Xin Zhao, Wen-Zhi Wang, Zhi-Ping Zhao*, Acidic ionic liquid grafted PPF membrane reactor and its catalytic esterification kinetics. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 400, 125319. 18.Ihtisham Ul Haq, Shen-Hui Li, Hong-Gang Zhen, Rehan Khan, Ao-Shuai Zhang, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Highly Efficient separation of 1, 3-Butadiene from nitrogen mixture by adsorption on highly stable MOF. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 402, 125980. 19.Shuo Li, Han Jiang, Jun Zhang, Ao-Shuai Zhang, Yong-dong Zhao, Xin Zhao, Zhi-Ping Zhao*. Fabrication of porous polysulfone microsphere covalently grafted with ionic liquid as catalyst and its catalytic hydrolysis kinetics of inulin. Chemical Engineering Science. 2020, 217, 115544. 20.Zhi-Ping Zhao*, Ao-Shuai Zhang, Xiao-Lan Wang, Peng Lu, Hai-Yun Ma. Controllable modification of polymer membranes by LDDLT plasma flow: Grafting acidic ILs into PPF membrane for catalytic performance. Journal of Membrane Science. 2018: 99-110.