

在气溶胶酸碱度表征、相分离与病毒失活机理等方向,在Environmental Science & Technology, ES&T Letters, PNAS等期刊发表SCI论文14篇。


· 2020 C. Ellen Gonter award of Environmental Chemistry, Division of Env. Chemistry, ACS(美国化学会环境化学分会研究生最高荣誉)

· 2020 Student award, 9th Sustainable nanotechnology organization conference

· 2020 ACS Certificate of merit award for oral presentation

· 2020 Innovation in Public Health award, NanoTechnology Entrepreneurship Challenge, VTSun

· 2019 Future Professoriate Graduate Certificate, Virginia Tech graduate school

· 2016 Hawkins Fellowship, Virginia Tech




2016-2021 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,环境工程,博士
2015-2016 美国弗吉尼亚大学,化学,硕士


2023-至今 北京理工大学,助理教授
2021-2022美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学化学系,博士后研究员,导师:Dr. Miriam A. Freedman


1. Huang, Q., Vikesland, P.J., 2022, Low-temperature Raman imaging of micron-size droplets. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.
2. Huang, Q., Vikesland, P.J., In situ pH measurements of environmental water droplets using flash-freeze SERS. 2022, Environmental Science & Technology Letters
3. Huang, Q., Wang, W. and Vikesland, P.J., 2021. Implications of the Coffee-Ring Effect on Virus Infectivity. Langmuir.
4. Huang, Q., Wei, H., Marr, L.C. and Vikesland, P.J., 2020. Direct Quantification of the Effect of Ammonium on Aerosol Droplet pH. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(1), pp.778-787.
5. Huang, Q., Pitta K., Miriam, F., Experimental Phase Diagram of Submicron 2-Methylglutartic Acid and Ammonium Sulfate Aerosol Particles. (in prep.)
6. Jing, X., Chen, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, P. and Zhang, Y.H., 2022. Spatiotemporally Resolved pH Measurement in Aerosol Microdroplets Undergoing Chloride Depletion: An Application of In Situ Raman Microspectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 94(43), pp.15132-15138.
7. Wang, W., Rahman, A., Huang, Q., Vikesland, P.J., 2021. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy enabled evaluation of bacterial inactivation. (Under Review, Water Research)
8. Rahman, A., Kang, S., Wang, W., Huang, Q., 2022, Lectin Modified Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystals as Biosensors for Discriminatory Detection of Bacteria using SERS and Support Vector Machine (SVM). ACS Applied nano materials
9. Morris, D.H., Yinda, K.C., Gamble, A., Rossine, F.W., Huang, Q., Bushmaker, T., Fischer, R.J., Matson, M.J., Van Doremalen, N., Vikesland, P.J. and Marr, L.C., 2021. Mechanistic theory predicts the effects of temperature and humidity on inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 and other enveloped viruses. Elife, 10, p.e65902.
10. Guo, H., Huang, Q., Leng, W., Zhan, Y., Behkam, B., Willner, M.R., Wei, H., Marr, L.C. and Vikesland, P.J., 2019. Bromide ion-functionalized nanoprobes for sensitive and reliable pH measurement by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Analyst, 144(24), pp.7326-7335.
11. Wei, H., Huang, Q. and Vikesland, P.J., 2019. The Aromatic Amine p K a Determines the Affinity for Citrate-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: In Situ Observation via Hot Spot-Normalized Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 6(4), pp.199-204.
12. Wei, H., Leng, W., Song, J., Liu, C., Willner, M.R., Huang, Q., Zhou, W. and Vikesland, P.J., 2018. Real-time monitoring of ligand exchange kinetics on gold nanoparticle surfaces enabled by hot spot-normalized surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Environmental science & technology, 53(2), pp.575-585.
13. Wei, H., Vejerano, E.P., Leng, W., Huang, Q., Willner, M.R., Marr, L.C. and Vikesland, P.J., 2018. Aerosol microdroplets exhibit a stable pH gradient. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(28), pp.7272-7277.
14. Chen, W., Sun, X., Wang, X., Huang, Q., Li, X., Zhang, Q., Jiang, J. and Zhang, G., 2015. Efficient and tunable fluorescence energy transfer via long-lived polymer excitons. Polymer Chemistry, 6(10), pp.1698-1702.