皇冠体育» 师资队伍» 教师名录



1. 生物/化学传感器
2. 超高分辨荧光成像
3. 生物微环境的成像与分析
4. 肿瘤靶向的分子成像与诊疗一体化研究




2014.07-至今 北京理工大学,讲师/副教授
2016.8-2017.8 美国伊利诺伊香槟分校,访问学者


1.An ESIPT-based fluorescent probe with large Stokes shift for peroxynitrite detection in HeLa cells and zebrafish, Jin Yu, Wei Shu*, Hao Kang, Rubing Han, Xiaoli Zhang, Rubo Zhang, Jing Jing*, Xiaoling Zhang*, 2022, 204,110334.
2.A mitochondria-targeted fluorescent probe with large Stokes shift for rapid detection of hypochlorite and its application in living cells, Liren Xu, Jin Yu, Yunpeng Wang, Yuru Chen, Xiaoli Zhang, Rubing Han, Jing Jing*, Rubo Zhang*, Xiaoling Zhang*, 2022, 207, 110622.
3.Cui, Jie; Nie, Hailiang; Zang, Shunping; Su, Sa; Gao, Mengxu; Jing, Jing; Zhang, Xiaoling, A conformational transition based fluorescent probe for mapping lysosomal viscosity fluctuations by fluorescence lifetime imaging., Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 331(1),129432.
4.Shu, Wei; Zang, Shunping; Wang, Chong; Gao, Mengxu; Jing, Jing; Zhang, Xiaoling, An Endoplasmic Reticulum-Targeted Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for the Sensing of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Cells and Zebrafish, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(14): 9982-9988.
5.Cui, Jie; Zang, Shunping; Shu, Wei; Nie, Hailiang; Jing, Jing; Zhang, Xiaoling, Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Heparin in Serum Based on a Long-Wavelength Tetraphenylethylene-Cyanopyridine Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogen, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(10): 7106-7113.
6.Shu, Wei; Wu, Yulong; Zang, Shunping; Su, Sa; Kang, Hao; Jing, Jing; Zhang, Xiaoling, A mitochondria-targeting highly specific fluorescent probe for fast sensing of endogenous peroxynitrite in living cells, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 303: 127284.
7.Longxue Nie; Congcong Gao; Tianjiao Shen; Jing Jing; Shaowen Zhang; Xiaoling Zhang, A Dual-site Fluorescent Probe to Monitor Intracellular Nitroxyl and GSH-GSSG Oscillations, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(7): 4451-4456.
8.Yazhou Liu; Tianjiao Shen; Congcong Gao; H. A. Abdulhadi El-Ali; Na Gao; Chunlei Yang; Rubo Zhang*; Jing Jing*; Xiaoling Zhang*, A Multi-crosslinking Nanocapsule‐Based Serial‐Stimuli‐Responsive Leakage‐Free Drug‐Delivery System In Vitro, Chem-Eur. J., 2019, 25, 56, 13017-13024.
9.Ratiometric fluorescence imaging for sodium selenite in living cells, Yong Tian, Fangyun Xin, Jing Jing*, Xiaoling Zhang*, Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 164, 133-138.
10.Yulong Wu, Wei Shu, Chaoyuan Zeng, Bingpeng Guo, Junwei Shi, Jing Jing*, Xiaoling Zhang∗, A mitochondria targetable and viscosity sensitive fluorescent probe and its applications for distinguishing cancerous cells, Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 168,134-139.
11.Wei Shu, Yulong Wu, Tianjiao Shen, Jie Cui, Hao Kang, Jing Jing*, Xiaoling Zhang*, A mitochondria-targeted far red fluorescent probe for ratiometric imaging of endogenous peroxynitrite, Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 170, 107609.
12.Ning, Yingying; Tang, Juan; Liu, Yi-Wei; Jing, Jing; Sun, Yuansheng; Zhang, Jun-Long, Highly luminescent, biocompatible ytterbium (III) complexes as near-infrared fluorophores for living cell imaging, Chemical Science, 2018, 9(15): 3742-3753.