皇冠体育» 师资队伍» 教师名录




1. 金属-金属键及低价态金属配合物的合成
2. 金属诱导的小分子活化
3. 超分子金属有机化学


1995.09-1998.06 福州大学,功能材料研究所,物理化学专业,理学博士
1992.09-1995.06 兰州大学,无机化学专业,理学硕士
1988.09-1992.06 兰州大学,无机化学专业,理学学士


2020.11-至今 皇冠体育测评-2025体育博彩市场趋势及平台推荐 ,教授/博导
2013.04-2020.10 西北大学化学与材料科学皇冠体育 ,教授/博导
2005.09-2013.04 中科院兰州化学物理研究所,研究员/博导
1999.05-2005.09 美国佐治亚、瑞士日内瓦、德国弗莱堡大学化学系,博士后


1. L. Liang, W. Zhao,* X.-J. Yang, B. Wu,* Anion-Coordination-Driven Assembly. Acc. Chem. Res. 2022, 55, 3218−3229.
2. V. A. Dodonov, V. G. Sokolov, E. V. Baranov, A. A. Skatova, W. Xu, Y. Zhao, X.-J. Yang,* I. L. Fedushkin*, Reactivity of Transition Metal Gallylene Complexes Toward Substrates with Multiple Carbon−Element Bonds. Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 14962−14972.
3. Y. Xue, J. Wang, Y. Shi, W. Xu, Y. Zhao, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang,* Assembly of metallo- macrocycles through reductive C–C coupling of alkylnitriles by an Mg–Mg-bonded compound. Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 4394–4399.
4. R. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, C. Redshaw, I. L. Fedushkin, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang*, Main-group metal complexes of α-diimine ligands: structure, bonding and reactivity. Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 13634-13650.
5. V. A. Dodonov, W. Chen, L. Liu, V. G. Sokolov, E. V. Baranov, A. A. Skatova, Y. Zhao,* B. Wu, X.-J. Yang,* I. L. Fedushkin,* Reactions of Iso(thio)cyanates with Dialanes: Cycloaddition, Reductive Coupling, or Cleavage of the C=S or C=O Bond. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 14602−14612.
6. W. Chen, V. A. Dodonov, V. G. Sokolov, L. Liu, E. V. Baranov, Y. Zhao,* I. L. Fedushkin,* X.-J. Yang,* Activation of Nitrogen-Rich Substrates by Low-Valent, Redox-Active Aluminum Species. Organometallics 2021, 40(4), 490–499.
7. W. Chen, L. Liu, Y. Zhao*, Y. Xue, N. Li, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang,* Organometallo-macrocycle assembled through dialumane-mediated CH activation of pyridines. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 6268–6271.
8. L. Shen, Y. Zhao, D. Dai, Y.-W. Yang*, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang,* Stabilization of Grignard reagents by a pillar[5]arene host – Schlenk equilibria and Grignard reactions. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 1381−1384.
9. M. Ma, L. Shen, H. Wang, Y. Zhao, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang*, N,N′‑Dipp‑o‑ phenylene-diamido Dianion: A Versatile Ligand for Main Group Metal−Metal-Bonded Compounds. Organometallics 2020, 39, 1440−1447.
10. V. A. Dodonov, L. Xiao, O. A. Kushnerova, E. V. Baranov, Y. Zhao*, X.-J. Yang*, I. L. Fedushkin*, Transformation of carbodiimides to guanidine derivatives facilitated by gallylenes. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 7475−7478.
11. L. Xiao, W. Chen, L. Shen, L. Liu, Y. Xue, Y. Zhao*, X.-J. Yang, Reduction of carbodiimides by a dialumane through insertion and cycloaddition. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 6352−6355.
12. W. Zuo, C. Jia, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao, X.-J. Yang*, B. Wu*, Selective recognition of choline phosphate by tripodal hexa-urea receptors with dual binding sites: crystal and solution evidence. Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 2483–2488.
13. M. Ma, H. Wang, J. Wang, L. Shen, Y. Zhao, W.-H. Xu, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang*, Mg–Mg-bonded compounds with N,N’-dipp-substituted phenanthrene-diamido and o-phenylene-diamino ligands. Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 2295–2299.
14. L. Shen, Y. Zhao, Q. Luo, Q.-S. Li, B. Liu, C. Redshaw, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang*, Cyclotrimerization of alkynes catalyzed by a self-supported cyclic tri-nuclear nickel(0) complex with α-diimine ligands. Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 4643–4649.
15. J. Wang, J. Wang, L. Shen, Y. Zhao*, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang*. Reactions of Dianionic α-Diimine Supported Dimagnesium(I) Compound [K(THF)3]2[LMg−MgL] with Nitriles. Organometallics, 2019, 38, 2674−2682.
16. W. Chen, Y. Zhao,* W. Xu, J.-H. Su, L. Shen, L. Liu, B. Wu, X.-J. Yang*, Reductive linear- and cyclo-trimerization of isocyanides by an AlAl-bonded compound. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 9452–9455.