皇冠体育» 师资队伍» 教师名录


主持国家自然科学基金项目 2 项、承担企业合作项目 2 项;参与国家自然 科学基金项目等 4 项。迄今在国内外学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文 48 篇, 其中 SCI 收录 39 篇,EI 收录 2 篇,获授权专利 2 项。


1. 微化工系统
2. 化工过程强化
3. 化工基础理论


2006.09-2011.07 清华大学,化学工程与技术专业,工学博士
2002.09-2006.07 清华大学,化学工程与工艺专业,工学学士


2016.07-至今 皇冠体育测评-2025体育博彩市场趋势及平台推荐 ,副教授
2015.07-2016.07 北京理工大学化工与环境皇冠体育 ,副教授
2015.05-2015.06 北京理工大学化工与环境皇冠体育 ,讲师
2014.03-2015.04 香港大学机械工程系,研究助理
2011.07-2014.06 清华大学,化学工程系,博士后


主持国家自然科学基金项目 2 项、承担企业合作项目 2 项;参与国家自然 科学基金项目等 4 项。迄今在国内外学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文 48 篇, 其中 SCI 收录 39 篇,EI 收录 2 篇,获授权专利 2 项。
1. 以微化工设备实现了微尺度非均相体系的构建,证明在微尺度下会出现新的界面分散行为,得到微米尺寸的液滴和气泡。
2. 以微尺度非均相体系实现基于非均相体系的分离过程,证明在分散尺寸减小后,由于传质距离减小和比表面积增大,传质过程显著变快。
3. 以实现了传质过程强化的体系,实现了沉淀反应、催化氧化处理含酚废水等化工过程的强化。
1. Ji Yani, Geng Wenjie, Ma Chunyang, Tan Jing*, Deng Wensheng, Liu Bin, Su Yuefeng. Preparation of microdispersed droplets by phase inversion in gas/liquid/liquid microdispersion system. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 217:115498
2. 李志康, 商鲁伟, 聂苗苗, 邓文生, 谭璟*. G/O/W 微分散体系实现甲酸/ 三辛胺-正辛醇体系萃取分离. 化工学报, 2020, 71:4219-4227
3. Liu Mingyue, Liu Na, Tan Jing*, Su Yuefeng*, Deng Wensheng, Chen Lai, Xue Ruixue, Zhang Qiyu. Micromixer-assisted co-precipitation method for fast synthesis of layered Ni-rich materials for Lithium-ion batteries. ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6:3057-3064
4. Feng Tingfan, Tan Jing*, Deng Wensheng, Su Yuefeng. Intensification of high-phase-ratio extraction via microbubble-agitation in gas-liquid-liquid systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018,177:270-283
5. 谭璟,赵菁菁,徐建鸿,骆广生*. 微通道中气体/离子液体两相流动与 分散性能. 化工学报, 2014,65:55-60
6. Tan Jing*, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Modeling investigation of mass transfer of gas-liquid concurrent flow processes. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013,109:77-86
7. Tan Jing*, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Modeling investigation of mass transfer of gas-liquid-liquid dispersion systems. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013,108:111-118
8. Tan Jing, Zhang Jisong, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Process intensification of catalytic hydrogenation of ethylanthraquinone with gas-liquid microdispersion. AIChE Journal, 2012,58:1326-1335
9. Tan Jing*, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Mass transfer performance of gas-liquid segmented flow in microchannels. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,181:229-235
10. Tan Jing*, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Mass transfer characteristic in the formation stage of gas-liquid segmented flow in microchannel. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,185:314-320
11. Tan Jing, Dong Chen, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Coupling process of oxidation and extraction in a gas-liquid-liquid microdispersion system for H2O2 synthesis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012,51:1834-1845
12. 谭璟, 徐建鸿, 吕阳成, 骆广生*. T 形微通道中气泡分散流的传质性能. 中国科学:化学, 2012,42:340-346
13. Tan Jing, Du Le, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Surfactantfree microdispersion process of gas in organic solvents in microfluidic devices. AIChE Journal, 2011,57:2647-2656
14. Tan Jing*, Shao Huawei, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Development of a membrane dispersion micro-absorber for CO2 capture. Journal of Membrane Science, 2011,385:123-131
15. Tan Jing, Du Le, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Development of a gas-liquid microstructured system for oxidation of hydrogenated 2-ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011,171:1406-1414
16. Tan Jing, Liu Zhendong, Lu Yangcheng, Xu Jianhong, Luo Guangsheng*. Process intensification of H2O2 extraction using gas-liquid-liquid microdispersion system. Separation and Purification Technology, 2011,80:225-234
17. Tan Jing, Shao Huawei, Xu Jianhong, Du Le, Luo Guangsheng*. Mixture absorption system of monoethanolamine triethylene glycol for CO2 capture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011,50:3966-3976
18. Tan Jing, Xu Jianhong, Wang Kai, Luo Guangsheng*. Rapid measurement of gas solubility in liquids using a membrane dispersion microcontactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010,49:10040-10045
19. Tan Jing, Li Shaowei, Wang Kai, Luo Guangsheng*. Gas–liquid flow in Tjunction microfluidic devices with a new perpendicular rupturing flow route. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009,146:428-433
20. Tan Jing, Xu Jianhong, Li Shaowei, Luo Guangsheng*. Drop dispenser in a cross-junction microfluidic device: Scaling and mechanism of break-up. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2008,136:306-311
1. 微化工技术强化 TBR 中气/液/固催化反应过程及机理研究,国家自然 科学基金资助项目(21206081),2019.01-2022.12,65 万元,主持
2. 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(2182063),2018.01-2020.12,20 万元, 主持
3. 微气泡强化极端相比液/液相间传质过程的基础研究,国家自然科学基 金资助项目(21206081),2013.01-2015.12,25 万元,主持
4. 微通道内气体/高粘流体体系分散和传质性能研究,中国博士后科学基 金资助项目(2012M510032),2012.05-2014.06, 8 万元,主持