中国化学工程研究生教育联盟理事会副理事长,《化工进展》第十一届编委会成员。指导学生获化工设计大赛全国一等奖等10余项。获校级“师德先进个人”称号和 “三育人先进个人”称号。获校级优秀教育教学成果奖二等奖2项,中国石油与化工教育教学成果奖二等奖1项,全国石油和化工教育优秀教学团队2个。
1998.02-2001.06 天津大学 化工皇冠体育 博士 1995.09-1998.02 天津大学 理皇冠体育 硕士 1991.09-1995.06 天津大学 应用化学系 学士
2022.10-至今 北京理工大学 皇冠体育 教授 副院长 2020.03-2022.09 北京理工大学 皇冠体育 副教授 副院长 2019.03-2020.02 北京理工大学 皇冠体育 副教授 院长助理 2016.06-2019.03 北京理工大学 皇冠体育 副教授 系主任/专业责任教授/中心教学主任 2004.06-2016.05 北京理工大学 化工与环境皇冠体育 副教授 副系主任 2002.01-2004.05 清华大学 化学工程系 博士后
主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、世界银行援助项目1 项,承担企业合作项目10余项;参与国家自然科学基金项目、国际科技合作项目等3项。迄今在国内外学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,EI收录20余篇,获授权专利5项。 代表性成果如下: 1.Wang Tong, He Jianting, Wu Qin*, Yu Yunqi, Chen Kangcheng*, Shi Daxin Zhang Yaoyuan, Li Hansheng*. Winterberries-like 3D network of N-doped porous carbon anchoring on N-doped carbon nanotubes for highly efficient platinum-based catalyst in methanol electrooxidation. Carbon, 2022, 201: 200-211 2.Cheng Yaran, Chen Jing, Wang Tong, Wu Qin*, Shi Daxin, Zhang Yaoyuan, Chen Kangcheng, Li Hansheng*. Magnetically-separable acid-resistant CoFe2O4@Polymer@MIL-100 core-shell catalysts for the acetalization of benzaldehyde and methanol. Journal of colloid and interface science, 2022, 629: 571-581 3.Wu Qin*, Sun Yan, Wang Wei, Tian Shuyao, Ouyang Mengjie, Chen Kangcheng*, Shi Daxin, Zhang Yaoyuan, Li Hansheng*, Zhao Zhiping. Block copolymer pervaporation membranes with microphase separated structures for ethyl acetate separation. Separation and purification technology, 2022, 298: 121654 4.Ren Yujing, Chen Kangcheng*, Zhang Yaoyuan, Shi Daxin, Wu Qin, Liang Dongxia, Hu Chenxing, Li Hansheng*. N-doped carbon confined CoFe@Pt nanoparticles with robust catalytic performance for the methanol oxidation reaction. Journal of materials chemistry A, 2022,10: 13345-13354. 5.Wu Qin*, Guo Yanyan, Shang Jiqing, Shi Daxin, Zhang Yaoyuan, Chen Kangcheng, Li Hansheng*, Zhao Yun, Jiao Qingze. Synthesis of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers from formaldehyde and dimethoxymethane by the coupling of extraction and catalytic reaction. Chemical engineering science, 2022, 253: 117521 6.Su Pengju, Jiao Qingze, Li Hansheng*, Li Yongjian, Liu Xiufeng, Wu Qin*, Shi Daxin, Zhao Yun, Wang Tong, Wang Wei. Rational Design of NiCo2S4 Quantum Dot-Modified Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube Composites as Robust Pt-Free Electrocatalysts for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ACS applied energy materials, 2021, 4: 4344-4354 7.Yang Wang, Li Hansheng*, Wu Qin*, Ren Yujing, Shi Daxin, Zhao Yun, Jiao Qingze. Functionalized Core-Shell Polystyrene Sphere-Supported Alkaline Imidazolium Ionic Liquid: An Efficient and Recyclable Catalyst for Knoevenagel Condensation. ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2020, 8: 18126-18137 8.Fang Zhuqing, Shi Daxin*, Lin Na, Li Airu, Wu Qin, Wang Qiqi, Zhao Yun, Feng Caihong, Jiao Qingze, Li Hansheng*. Probing the synergistic effect of Mo on Ni-based catalyst in the hydrogenation of dicyclopentadiene. Applied Catalysis A, General, 2019,574:60-70 9.Li Yongjian, Liu Xiufeng, Li Hansheng*, Shi Daxin, Jiao Qingze, Zhao Yun, Feng Caihong, Bai Xiaoping, Wang Hongxia, Wu Qin*. Rational design of metal organic framework derived hierarchical structural nitrogen doped porous carbon coated CoSe/nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes composites as a robust Pt-free electrocatalyst for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Power Sources,2019,422:122-130 10.Ren Yujing, Li Hansheng*, Yang Wang, Shi Daxin, Wu Qin, Zhao Yun, Feng Caihong, Liu Hongbo, Jiao Qingze*. Alkaline Ionic Liquids Immobilized on Protective Copolymers Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles: An Efficient and Magnetically Recyclable Catalyst for Knoevenagel Condensation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(8): 2824-2834 11.Yuan Hong,Liu Jia, Li Hansheng*,Li Yongjian, Liu Xiufeng, Shi Daxin,Wu Qin, Jiao Qingze*. Graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots decorated three-dimension graphene as an efficient metal-free electrocatalyst for triiodide reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6:5603-5607 12.Yuan Hong, Liu Jia, Li Hansheng*, Su Kuo, Liu Xiufeng, Li Yongjian, Shi Daxin, Wu Qin, Zhao Yun, Jiao Qingze*. Rational integration of hierarchical structural CoS1.097 nanosheets-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with enhanced electrocatalytic performance for triiodide reduction. Carbon, 2018, 126: 514-521 13.Yuan Hong, Jiao Qingze, Liu Jia, Liu Xiufeng, Li Yongjian, Shi Daxin, Wu Qin, Zhao Yun, Li Hansheng*. Facile synthesis of Co0.85Se nanotubes/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite as Pt-free counter electrode with enhanced electrocatalytic performance in dye-sensitized solar cells. Carbon, 2017, 122: 381-388 14.Yuan Hong, Liu Jia, Jiao Qingze*, Li Yongjian, Liu Xiufeng, Shi Daxin, Wu Qin, Zhao Yun, Li Hansheng*. Sandwich-like octahedral cobalt disulfide-reduced graphene oxide as an efficient Pt-free electrocatalyst for high-performance dye-sensitized solar cells. Carbon, 2017, 119:225-234 15.Yuan Hong, Jiao Qingze, Liu Jia, Liu Xiufeng, Yang Haoyi, Zhao Yun, Wu Qin, Shi daxin, Li Hansheng*. Ultrathin-walled Co9S8 nanotube/reduced graphene oxide compositeas an efficient electrocatalyst for the reduction of triiodide. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 336, 132-142 16.Yuan Hong, Jiao Qingze, Zhang Shenli, Zhao Yun, Wu Qin, Li Hansheng*. In situ chemical vapor deposition growth of carbon nanotubes on hollow CoFe2O4 as an efficient and low cost counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 325, 417-426 17.Hu Ju, Li Hansheng, Wu Qin*, Zhao Yun, Jiao Qingze. Synthesis of TiO2 nanowire/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites and their photocatalytic performances. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 263: 144-150 18.Wu Qin, Wang Min, Hao Yu, Li Hansheng*, Zhao Yun, Jiao Qingze. Synthesis of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers Catalyzed by Bronsted Acid Ionic Liquids with Alkanesulfonic Acid Groups. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(42): 16254-16260 19.Zhang Yaping, Jiao Qingze, Zhen Bin, Wu Qin, Li Hansheng*. Transesterification of glycerol trioleate catalyzed by basic ionic liquids immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles: Influence of pore diffusion effect. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013, 453:327-333 20.Wu Qin, Wan Hualin, Li Hansheng*, Song Haoran, Chu Tonghua. Bifunctional temperature-sensitive amphiphilic acidic ionic liquids for preparation of biodiesel. Catalysis Today, 2013, 200:74-79 21.Li Hansheng*, He Shichao, Ma Ke, Wu Qin, Jiao Qingze, Sun Kening. Micro-mesoporous composite molecular sievesH-ZSM-5/MCM-41 for methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether: Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in H-ZSM-5. Applied Catalysis A, 2013, 450:152-159 22.Zhen Bin, Li Hansheng, Jiao Qingze*, Li Yuan, Wu Qin, Zhang Yaping. SiW12O40-Based Ionic Liquid Catalysts: Catalytic Esterification of OleicAcid for Biodiesel Production. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(31):10374-10380 23.Zhen Bin, Jiao Qingze, Zhang Yaping, Wu Qin, Li Hansheng*. Acidic ionic liquid immobilized on magnetic mesoporous silica: preparation and catalytic performance in esterifications. Applied Catalysis A, 2012, 445-446:239-245 24.Li Hansheng, Zhang Yaping, Wang Shiying, Wu Qin, Liu Changhao. Study on nanomagnets supported TiO2 photocatalysts prepared by a sol-gel process in reverse microemulsion combining with solvent-thermal technique. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 169:1045-1053